Title: A Date for the Masquerade Series: The Dating Series Authors: LP Dover & Heidi McLaughlin Genre: Contemporary Romance Release: October 27, 2020 Cover Designer: MadHat Studios - madhatbooks Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/54881735-a-date-for-the-masquerade #HiddenIdentity My Review: 4 STARS This cute novella is written in first person from a dual POV. Ensley is a fierce event planner with her business partner. She does something unusual for her when she hooks up with a man at a masquerade ball she planned, but the masks stayed on. I love how this story comes together. The mystery of the masks at a masquerade, the undeniable attraction they feel toward each other whenever they are together is just magic. The HEA is super sweet and steamy. This was a fast, fun read that is perfect for Fall. Blurb: New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors Heidi McLaughlin and L.P. Dover come together for a sexy ...
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