Happy weekend. I read 4 and a half books this week. Have you ever had one of those moments when you are reading a book and you are not getting into it, but you know it is you not the book? That was me this week. So I took a break. I stopped halfway through the book. And I picked up something completely different from my recent reads. I had added the Alien Bride Lottery book to my TBR on a whim after seeing an ad, reading the blurb, and laughing out loud. So when I went to my TBR, there it was waiting: something completely different than what I have been reading. And it was so perfect in breaking my funk,. I went straight into book two before getting back to my regularly scheduled reading. In addition, I read a free copy of Lena Hendrix's novella addition to the Chikalu Falls series. Readers can get it for free this weekend through Bookfunnel here: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/yemk7ug7mi It releases o...
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