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Showing posts from December, 2024

Book reviews for books read December 28th-31st

    Wrapping up 2024 with two more monster romance novellas and two full length novels by Piper Rayne, including an ARC of today's release which happens to be their longest book yet. I went to their back list and read Smitten forst because I wanted to see Henry and Jade as children. I am glad I did. It connected me to their characters in a way that I would have missed otherwise. They have a tough time finding their HEA and knowing their history really helped me hang in there for them. The two monster novellas were good, steamy, fun reads.  I had a great reading year. I am changing things up a bit in 2025 and I am looking forward to hitting a lot of my TBR.  Stay tuned for my best of 2024 by trope lists coming soon. Happy New Year!  Happy Reading- always! Mr. Broody (The Nest #2) by Piper Rayne Rayne                                              ...

Book reviews for books read December 23rd - 27th

  Happy weekend!  We are almost to the end of 2024 and I have been wrapping up my reading challenges for the year.  I had set a goal off 200 books in Goodreads for the year and I was a little behind. The holidays are the perfect time for novellas and I read several over the past week to meet my reading goal. I also finished the B.A.N.G. Book Club Challenge this week. The hardest book on the list for me was a banned book. When looking for a book, I found either I had already read it, or it was honestly not something that interested me. I finally settled on an Alexa Riley novella with the thought that the author is banned on the 'Zon and it was a step dad romance. I read one ARC, one full-length novel, and seven novellas this week. Five of those were by new-to-me authors. Jessica Peterson's new release in the Lucky River Ranch series was fabulous and it melted me in all the best ways.  I fell down the monster romance rabbit hole in a big way. I am OBSESSED with the Arr...

Book reviews for books read December 16th-22nd

  This week I read four novellas (including one reread) and one full length novel. This is the time of year where I am trying desperately to wrap up annual reading challenges. I an still just a little short of my 200 book goal for the year, but I still have 10 more days. I did manage to complete the monthly challenge in Claire Kingsley's group with the last item being a reread of a holiday favorite. "Unwrapped" was the perfect answer for that.  I also completed the A to Z Challenge and a full card Bingo for Carol's Crazy Bookish World. Carol's page is always a joy and if you want to learn about all kinds of books she is an excellent resource.   Here is a link if you feel like joining an awesome group:  I am almost finished with the 52 book B.A.N.G. Book Club Challenge and I hope to have that posted for you next week. But alas, I have new ARCs on my kindle that get my attention next. Two things that I love abo...

Book reviews for books read December 8th-15th

  It has been an insane month so far. I can't believe that next week is Christmas! I was traveling a good portion of last week but I still managed to read one full length book and four novellas.  I love being able to variety read again. It was such an enjoyable week of reading for me. Check out my reviews and add these to you list today.  Happy reading. Santa Monica, Baby (Holidays in LA #3) by Kelly Reynolds #OppositesAttract #Holiday #Novella Written in first person from an alternating dual POV, this can be read as a standalone and ends with a HEA. Austin is not your typical MMC as he is on the fluffy side.  I appreciated that he was not 6’4” and built of muscle.  He was a regular guy who was sweet on the inside and had a talent for playing Santa. His artistic soul fit his photography profession perfectly. Who knew that under the unassuming exterior was a soft dom with a heart of gold? Nellie is working as a corporate lawyer. She is a goal-oriented, driv...

Book reviews for books read December 1st-7th

  I have been working like crazy at my paying job this last week. I am beyond tired. At least I did finish a few books. This week I read three ARCs, one new release, and two books from my TBR. This week held a wide variety of reads and I really enjoyed switching it up a bit.  Check my reviews below and add them to your TBR. Ask Me (Cherry Blossom Lake #4) by Tawna Fenske ARC: Release Date- 12/06/2024 #Celebrity #HealingLove #OppositesAttract #FamilySeries #SmallTown #ARC Written in first person from an alternating dual POV, this can be read as a standalone and ends with a HEA. Set on the Oregon coast, this story encompasses themes of friendship grief, guilt, denial, secrets, forgiveness, healing, and living life fully. Brooke is a celebrity advice guru who is grieving the sudden passing of her younger sister. Kaleb is a small-town mechanic trying to come to terms with his mother being back in his life. There are secrets revealed as these two characters form a friendship and su...